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Building a responsive table in React Native with Hooks

This post details a technique that you can use in a dual orientation app to render more (or less) data in your tables–as space permits—using a couple of simple hooks. Keeping in mind that the last thing our app users want is to be unable to access the data they’re looking for, we’ll provide a hint showing how they can rotate their device to reveal even more.

Let’s begin with an example of how your app can look when you try to cram everything onto a small screen. This is the situation we’ll aim to avoid:

Table with too many columns for the screen, data all mashed up

The first thing you’ll need is some tabular data in your app. For my sample app (code can be found here: blefebvre/react-native-responsive-table ), I have used the react-native-table-component package for rendering my table. This package provides a simple API and some handy extension points for styling various aspects of the table. The sample app includes six columns of data, representing securities in a stock portfolio:

// Table header items
const head = [
  "Avg. Cost",
  "Total Cost",
  "Market Value"

// Table data rows
const data = [
  ["ADBE", "4", "$270.45", "$1,081.80", "$278.25", "$1,113.00"],
  ["AAPL", "9", "$180.18", "$1,621.62", "$178.35", "$1,605.15"],
  ["GOOGL", "3", "$1,023.58", "$3,070.74", "$1,119.94", "$3,359.82"],
  ["AIR", "10", "$113.12", "$1,131.20", "$116.64", "$1,166.40"],
  ["MSFT", "6", "$129.89", "$779.34", "$126.18", "$757.08"]

Next, you’ll need to decide which columns of data you’d like to prioritize on small and medium screens. In my case, I chose to show “Ticker”, “Quantity”, and “Market Value” on small screens. On medium screens I chose to show everything except “Total Cost”. Put your selections into two arrays:

// Indices (columns) to include on a small screen
export const smallScreenIndices = [0, 1, 5];

// Indices to include on a medium screen
export const mediumScreenIndices = [0, 1, 2, 4, 5];

We will also need a function that can figure out which items should be included given a device breakpoint, and return the reduced set of data. Here’s an example of how this function could be implemented:

// Reduce arrays for display on smaller screens 
// based on the provided breakpoint.
export function reduceDataForScreenSize(
  data: any[],
  breakpoint: Breakpoint,
  smallBreakpointIndices: number[],
  mediumBreakpointIndices: number[]
) {
  switch (breakpoint) {
    case Breakpoint.SMALL:
      // Return only data in the smallBreakpointIndices
      return data.filter((_, i) => smallBreakpointIndices.indexOf(i) !== -1);
    case Breakpoint.MEDIUM:
      // Return only data in the mediumBreakpointIndices
      return data.filter((_, i) => mediumBreakpointIndices.indexOf(i) !== -1);
      // Don't filter the data at all
      return data;

A keen eye will have noticed the Breakpoint TypeScript type above. This parameter type is an enum, and is defined in useBreakpoint.ts as follows:

export enum Breakpoint {
  SMALL = "small",
  MEDIUM = "medium",
  LARGE = "large"

We will need a way to determine the breakpoint for use by the reduceDataForScreenSize(..) function. I wrote a small hook called useBreakpoint to return the current matching breakpoint:

// Determine if the current screen width should
// match the Small, Medium, or Large breakpoint.
export function useBreakpoint(): Breakpoint {
  const { width } = useScreenDimensions();
  console.log(`Determining device breakpoint for width: ${width}`);

  if (width < 500) {
    console.log(`= Breakpoint.SMALL`);
    return Breakpoint.SMALL;
  } else if (width >= 500 && width < 1000) {
    console.log(`= Breakpoint.MEDIUM`);
    return Breakpoint.MEDIUM;
  } else {
    console.log(`= Breakpoint.LARGE`);
    return Breakpoint.LARGE;

useBreakpoint relies on another hook called useScreenDimensions to figure out the device’s screen size each time it changes:

// A hook to return the current screen dimensions
export function useScreenDimensions(): { width: number; height: number } {
  // Get initial dimensions and initialize state
  const initialDimensions = Dimensions.get("screen");
  const [width, setWidth] = useState(initialDimensions.width);
  const [height, setHeight] = useState(initialDimensions.height);

  useEffect(() => {
    const handleChange = ({ screen }: DimensionsCallbackProp) => {

    // Listen for dimension changes, which typically indicates a rotation
    Dimensions.addEventListener("change", handleChange);

    // Cleanup
    return () => {
      Dimensions.removeEventListener("change", handleChange);

  return { width, height };

The two hooks compose together nicely, so all that needs to be done from our responsive table component is call const breakpoint = useBreakpoint(); and pass the result along to the reduceDataForScreenSize(..) function.

Here’s how this looks all put together (in StockTableResponsive.tsx):

// Component for displaying a table of stock data in a responsive manner.
export const StockTableResponsive: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = props => {
  // Get the current breakpoint from our hook
  const breakpoint = useBreakpoint();

  return (
      <Table borderStyle={styles.border} style={styles.table}>
        {/* Header row */}

        {/* Data rows */}
        {data.map((entry, index) => (
      <RotationHint />

Lastly, it is a good idea to tell the user that more detail can be revealed by rotating the screen. I have included a simple component above called <RotationHint /> which is going to do exactly this:

Table with columns reduced to fit on the screen, and a hint to rotate the device

Once the device is rotated, the additional columns are instantly visible to the user:

Device rotated, more data revealed in the table

That’s it! You now have a table that looks great on mobile and supports showing additional data by rotating the device.

The demo app can be found on GitHub: github.com/blefebvre/react-native-responsive-table