Using SSL locally for AEM dev

Set up an AEM publish instance with SSL to enable local, OS X-based development on :8443. These instructions are deliberately concise and not designed to be used in prod (refer to the official docs for that).

AEM Apps Starter Kit improvements

With AEM 6.1 out the door, we’ve pushed some commits to the Starter Kit repository to ensure that the apps you bootstrap with it are taking advantage of the present state of the art. What follows is a visual tour of a few of those improvements.

SUMMIT 2015: Mobile App Dev & Content Management with AEM

I’m thrilled to be returning to beautiful Salt Lake City this March to host a technical session on Mobile App Development and Content Management with AEM at Adobe SUMMIT 2015.

AEM Apps Feature Pack Updates

A keen observer of AEM’s Package Share may have noticed two new offerings show up in the past couple of weeks. In particular, our team is thrilled to announce the availability of the AEM Apps feature pack 1, and an updated Geometrixx Outdoors App sample which demonstrates the usage of these new features. Let’s take a quick tour.